Wednesday, November 10, 2010

FREE games at ToysRUs

*** Unfortunately, the word on the web is that TRU ran out of gift cards.  With the mail in rebates, you can still get some games for only $1.  Still a Frugalista Find!***

Get 4-8 Different Hasbro Games FREE after Gift Card, Mail in Rebate, rewards at ToysRus stores.
This week (11/7 - 11/13), ToysRus has an in store promotion where you can get a FREE $10 Gift card with ANY hasbro games purchase of $35 or more.  The $35 is calculated based on REGULAR PRICE not sale price.  The sale price is $5 for many of the games.

Combine it with, and 10% holidays rewards promotion, you can get free or cheap games.

Buy 1 of each game (Reg $9.99 Sale: $5.00):
Cootie - $5
Don't break the ice - $5
Ants in the pants - $5
Don't spill the beans - $5

Total: 4*$5 = $20 (Reg $39.96)

get back $10 Gift card + $8 MIR (4*$2 for each game) + $2 (10% rewards)

= FREE + tax 

Another combination is 
Candy Land - $3
Chutes and Ladders - $3
Memory - $3
Hi Ho Cherry O - $5

Total = $16

= $16 (Reg $40.96)

get back $10 Gift card + $8 MIR (4*$2 for each game) + $1.6 (10% rewards)

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