Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Frugalista's Thoughts On: Getting Ready for Baby #2

We're getting ready for Baby #2.  We already have one girl, who is almost 3, and we're expecting another girl in May.  So I've been brainstorming the last few weeks trying to think of things that I need to get for this one that I don't already have from Baby #1.  By the way, I'm a BIG FAN of borrowing/lending baby equipment.  Our bouncy seat is on it's 3rd baby and will make it's way back to our house when needed.  If you're willing to borrow/lend out baby equipment it won't be taking up precious storage space while someone else can be using it.

It's always good to make lists to help you organize your thoughts and keep track of what you already have.  That way, you don't spend money on unnecessary things or have to run out last minute to get things you need.  Girl Scout motto?  Be prepared!

Here's a list of the things I already have or know I can borrow.

What I have:
1. Bedding/Blankets
2. Crib
3. Changing Table/Cover
4. Clothes
5. Pack N Play (for baby downstairs)
6. Bassinet (still need to borrow) for baby in our room
7. Bouncy Seat
8. Swing (still need to borrow)
9. Bath tub
10. Diaper Genie II
11. Wipes
12. Some diapers
13. Boppy
14. Bottles
15. Carseat
16. Stroller

Still Need
1. Some diapers
2. Diaper Genie II refills
3. Nursing cover (mine went MIA, but I'm sure I can borrow one if I ask around)
4. Burp Cloths (I get plain white ones and personalize them on my embroidery machine)
5. Baby Wash/Lotion
6. Milk Storage Bags
7. Nursing Pads
8. Vitamins (for nursing baby)
9. Pacifiers

Wants - waaaay down on the list and would only be borrowed
1. Sit and Stand stroller

I'll add to the list if I think of anything else. What do I plan to do about this list of things I need?  More on that soon!!

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